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Library Board of Trustees
Rachel Hunt
Appointed 5/2/17 to serve through 5/1/21.
Reappointed 5/4/21 to serve through 5/4/25. Final term.
Robert Yoder (Chair 24-25)
Appointed 5/17/22 to serve through 6/1/26. May be reappointed.
Andrea Dempsey (Vice Chair 24-25)
Appointed 6/15/21 to serve through 6/15/25. May be reappointed.
Robin Coppola
Appointed 9/3/23 to serve through 6/1/26. May be reappointed.
Roopa Krithivasan
Appointed 9/5/24 to serve through 9/5/27. May be reappointed.
The library is in search of candidates interested in serving on the Board of Trustees for the Boulder City Library District. The Board is made up of a five-member team appointed by the Clark County Commissioners. Each member serves a four-year term with the possibility of reappointment. The Board normally meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.